Author(Writer):- Rudra Venkateshwarlu, MA. English, Spoken English Researcher since 7 years, Founder of Spoken English Hub, Nalgonda. Competitive English Trainer

Spoken English with think (aalochinchadam) Telugulo

I think
(nenu aalochisthaanu)

I do not think
(nenu aalochinchanu)

I will think
(nenu aalochisthaanu)

I will not think
(nenu aalochinchanu)

I thought
(nenu aalochinchaanu)

I did not think
(nenu aalochinchaledhu)

I have thought
(nenu aalochinchaanu)

I have not thought
(nenu aalochinchaledhu)

I am thinking
(nenu aalochisthunnaanu)

I am not thinking
(nenu aalochisthalenu)