Author(Writer):- Rudra Venkateshwarlu, MA. English, Spoken English Researcher since 7 years, Founder of Spoken English Hub, Nalgonda. Competitive English Trainer

Spoken English - 4

Daily Spoken English – 4


He shouts until digest food. You, be silent


Be silent


Keep silent


Who did say I will not be here?


Who said I did not know


Know and tell


Should I know?

Do I have to know?


Won’t you know?

Don’t you know?


I will know

I know


Without asking more, do what I told


I will do

I do


Thanks for came


Thanks for coming


If comes, thanks


Let talk


What shall we talk?


You said something yesterday


What did I say?

What have I said?


You said, I want load. Did you forget?


Yes, I want loan


How much loan do you want?


I want 5 lakhs loan


Did you have place documents?


Yes, I have place documents


Bring once tomorrow. I should see


Tell your opinion about loan