Author(Writer):- Rudra Venkateshwarlu, MA. English, English Language Researcher since 2015, Founder of English Language Hub

How to understand English easily? Day 1

How many main tenses are there in English language? What are they?

There are 3 main tenses in English language. They are

1. Present Tense

2. Past Tense

3. Future Tense

How many sub - tenses are there in English language?  What are they?

There are 12 sub - tenses in English language. They are 

1. Simple Present

2. Present Continuous

3. Present Perfect

4. Present Perfect Continuous

5. Simple Past

6. Past Continuous

7. Past Perfect

8. Past Perfect Continuous

9. Simple Future

10. Future Continuous

11. Future Perfect

12. Future Perfect Continuous