Author(Writer):- Rudra Venkateshwarlu, MA. English, English Language Researcher since 2015, Founder of English Language Hub

1-Spoken English with news

Money didn't come to public

Patients are suffering with health problems

Take actions against fraud persons

corruption is very high in the society

People are roaming for their needs

MLA launched water board

Farmers came to market yard to sell

Need some more support from the government

Lorries are in strike

water is falling from mountain

Wear helmet and protect your life

Be confident on your works

Confident gives life to you

Government brought one new scheme fro handicap persons

Rail is going slowly on track

Photos are released from ISRO

ISRO released photos of MOON

Scientists are trying to find sattelite

People and celebrities are planting trees

Trees are giving oxygen to us

We should protect trees

Environment friendly crackers are available in market

Farmers are farming Chilly

Hardik  Pandya went to london surgery. His surgery is successful.
He posted his after surgery photo in Instagram