Author(Writer):- Rudra Venkateshwarlu, MA. English, English Language Researcher since 2015, Founder of English Language Hub

Daily talks in Hospital

Doctor, I am suffering with back pain

What did you do for back pain?

I used pain relief gel but pain didn't reduce

What should I do now?

No problem, I write some medicine. Your pain will be reduced

Did you have any reports to pain?

No, I didn't have

Be happy

Don't worry

I will help you

Go take rest

Take medicines regularly

No need to worry

Don't eat unhealthy food

Don't eat fry foods

Fry foods leads to cancer

Don't eat outside foods

Drink more water

Be calm

Keep your mind cool, don't get tension
tension is main reason to all problems

Take medicines in Time

Did you bring medicines?

Yes, I brought

Go and bring reports

Don't drink water till half an hour

I wrote some tests, go and bring