You are good boy
How did these come?
What are these?
That is mad dog?
Bring phone
Color sank into this
I am laughing
He is dog
You should know
He is shouting as mad dog
Why don't you ask?
Don't ask anything
No need to me
what are these?
How did these come?
Take cover and come
Did you call me?
Call all members
What did you say?
What did you tell?
Do you laugh?
Why aren't you talking with me?
You said,"we are not coming"
Go forward
Go ahead
Should laugh
They told,"stay here"
Are you drinking?
Are you drinking anything?
Drink slowly
come here and sit
Did you wash clothes?
Did you help me?
Did you help?
Go and bring water
Go bring medicine
How much cost are these medicine?
Just one hundred rupees
Didn't you bring medicine?
Why didn't you bring medicine?
Are you alright
I have strength
Did you have strength?
Go to medical shop and bring medicine
I am happy
Is she happy?
Are you happy?
Are they happy?
How is your health?
Good or bad
You are looking awesome (wrong)
You are awesome to look (correct)
Do you accept my request?
Yes, I accept or No, I don't accept
Do call to me
Make call (wrong)
Do call (corect)
Please, sit
Do you drink water?
No thanks
Remember what mother told
How did these come?
What are these?
That is mad dog?
Bring phone
Color sank into this
I am laughing
He is dog
You should know
He is shouting as mad dog
Why don't you ask?
Don't ask anything
No need to me
what are these?
How did these come?
Take cover and come
Did you call me?
Call all members
What did you say?
What did you tell?
Do you laugh?
Why aren't you talking with me?
You said,"we are not coming"
Go forward
Go ahead
Should laugh
They told,"stay here"
Are you drinking?
Are you drinking anything?
Drink slowly
come here and sit
Did you wash clothes?
Did you help me?
Did you help?
Go and bring water
Go bring medicine
How much cost are these medicine?
Just one hundred rupees
Didn't you bring medicine?
Why didn't you bring medicine?
Are you alright
I have strength
Did you have strength?
Go to medical shop and bring medicine
I am happy
Is she happy?
Are you happy?
Are they happy?
How is your health?
Good or bad
You are looking awesome (wrong)
You are awesome to look (correct)
Do you accept my request?
Yes, I accept or No, I don't accept
Do call to me
Make call (wrong)
Do call (corect)
Please, sit
Do you drink water?
No thanks
Remember what mother told