Author(Writer):- Rudra Venkateshwarlu, MA. English, English Language Researcher since 2015, Founder of English Language Hub

Competitive English (English Subject) Test - 1

Competitive English Test - 1


Competitive English (English Subject) Test – 1



1.    How many Alphabets are in English?


2.    Who ___ you?


3.    I ___ Kiran.


4.    They _____ many books.


5.    ____ this your phone?


6.    Yes, this _____ my phone.


7.    Who ___ he?


8.    He ___ my brother.


9.    Good  opposite


10.  Write verb2 form of take verb.


11.  How many main tenses are in English?


12.  How many sub tenses are in English?


13.  Write positive answer structure of Simple Present Tense.


14.  Write helping verbs of Simple Past.


15.  Write negative question word question structure of Simple Future Tense.


16.  Write positive helping verb question structure of Future Continuous Tense.


17.  Write verb3 form of come verb.


18.  Write helping verbs of  Present Continuous Tense.


19.  ___ we farmers?


20.  No, we ___ not farmers.


21.  They ____ in Hyderabad last year.


22.  They ____ in Mumbai now.


23.  ___ I sleeping now.


24.  Yes, you ____ sleeping now.


25.  She is ___ home.