Author(Writer):- Rudra Venkateshwarlu, MA. English, English Language Researcher since 2015, Founder of English Language Hub

Basic Spoken English in School – 3

Spoken English in School


Should I come there?

Yes, you should come here.


Teacher, Did you call me?

Yes, I called you


Why did you call me? Teacher

Did you complete your skill book?

Yes, I completed my skill book

Ok, go and tell to leader. Collect all skill books and bring down.

Ok, teacher.


Sir, Have you said anything?

I have said, write two times of this problem.

Ok, sir

Did you understand this problem?

Yes, sir. I understood that problem.


She said, I am not leader.

Am not I leader?

Yes, you are leader.

Tell to this girl, Kiranmai am leader.

Don’t tell, this girl is not leader.

Are you talking?

No, I am not talking.

This boy said, take your bag from here

I do not take my bag from here.


I said, shut your mouth. Don’t tell bad words.

This boy is beating me.

Did you beat this boy?

No, I did not beat this boy.

This boy said, Hari is beating me.


Go and bring duster

No duster there

Where is duster?

I don’t know.

Go and search where duster is

Ok, teacher


Did you pour the water?

No, I did not pour water.


Pour = పోయడం

Spill = చిందించడం

Release = వదలడం, విడుదలచేయడం

Drop = పడేయడం

Sprinkle = చిలకరించడం


Why are you roaming in the corridor?

I am not roaming in the corridor.

I saw you roamed in the corridor. Don’t tell lies

Sorry teacher, I don’t roam again

Is this letter in the varnamala?

Yes, that letter is in varnamala.


They are not writing fast.

I told to them, write fast but they are not writing fast.

They are not listening my words.

Ok, I come and tell to them.

You, go and sit


Are you moving the bench?

No, I am not moving the bench


Is any special today?

Yes, my birthday is today.

Many more happy returns of the day.

Thank you.

Your dress is super.

Thank you.



Are you talking other languages?

No, I am not talking other languages.

This girl said, you are talking other language.

She is telling lies.

If you talk other languages

You will be punished.

Did you understand?

Yes, I understood.

Try to improve your spoken skills

Were you absent yesterday?

No, I was not absent.

This girl brought dettol bottle

I am asking, give some

If you give some, I give my notebook

If you want that, you have to give that.

Tell to that boy, don’t go outside.

If you tell, that boy listens otherwise does not listen.


Teacher, that boy is not reading and writing

Who should read and write?

I should read and write.

Why are you sitting silently without reading and writing?

I am reading and writing.

Read and write. Don’t waste your valuable time.  

Basic Spoken English in School - 1 CLICK HERE

Basic Spoken English in School - 2 CLICK HERE

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