Author(Writer):- Rudra Venkateshwarlu, MA. English, Spoken English Researcher since 7 years, Founder of Spoken English Hub, Nalgonda. Competitive English Trainer

Conversation in School - 2

Were you absent yesterday?
Yes, I was absent yesterday.

Where did you go?
I got fever yesterday.

Did you submit leave letter?
No, I did not submit leave letter.

Submit leave letter now.
Ok sir. I will submit now.

Write leave letter and show to me. I will do signature on the leave letter.
I will write and give to you. Sir

Ok. I will be in office room. Come fast. I will go to another class.
I will come fast. sir

Have you written exam?
No sir, I have not written exam.

How much time do you want to complete exam?
I will finish exam in five minutes. Sir

ok, I granted permission. Complete fast in five minutes.
I will write exam fast.

Time is over. Give me papers.
I am coming sir.

Have you written name and hall ticket on the answer sheet paper.
Yes sir, I have written my name and my hall ticket on the answer paper.