Author(Writer):- Rudra Venkateshwarlu, MA. English, Spoken English Researcher since 7 years, Founder of Spoken English Hub, Nalgonda. Competitive English Trainer

Nee dhaggara dabbu undhaa meaning in English

నీ దగ్గర డబ్బు ఉందా?(నువ్వు డబ్బు కలిగిఉన్నావా?)
Did you have money? (Simple Past)
Have you had money? (Present Perfect)

నా దగ్గర డబ్బు లేదు (నేను డబ్బు కలిగిఉండలేదు)
I didn't have money (Simple Past)
I haven't had money (Present Perfect)

Simple Past  = Present Perfect

నీ దగ్గర రేపు డబ్బు ఉంటదా? (నువ్వు రేపు డబ్బు కలిగిఉంటావా?)
Do you have money tomorrow? (Simple Present)
Will you have money tomorrow? (Simple Future)

నా దగ్గర రేపు డబ్బు ఉంటది. (నేను రేపు డబ్బు కలిగిఉంటాను)
I have money tomorrow (Simple Present)
I will have money tomorrow (Simple Future)

Simple Present = Simple Future